BMD Constructions awarded Inner City Bypass upgrade

Sophia Rostron   |   November 28, 2016

BMD Constructions has been named the preferred contractor to design and construct the $80 million Inner City Bypass (ICB) upgrade, with initial works starting in December 2016. 

The ICB is considered one of Brisbane's most important routes and is integral to the city's economic growth, however with the road now carrying more than 100,000 vehicles per weekday, the ICB will exceed capacity by 2021.

As part of the upgrade, works will include widening the road network from three to four lanes, construction of a new westbound ramp and new bus priority measures. 

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk said the Brisbane City Council had conducted a competitive tender to progress the project, which Cabinet had recommended BMD Constructions to next week’s Council meeting as the contractor to undertake the project design and construction.

“A key project Council is committed to delivering is an expansion of the Inner City Bypass, which is one of the city’s busiest corridors carrying more than 100,000 vehicles every day," said Cr Quirk.

“Today I can announce BMD Constructions provided the best overall value for money for Council and ratepayers – selected on a number of key criteria including experience and financial capacity to deliver large scale projects and expertise across design and construction on projects in a densely populated urban area.”

The project shortlisted CPB Contractors, Seymour Whyte Constructions and BMD Constructions in June 2016, with each of the three companies invited to submit formal bids. 

Brisbane City Council: Watch the fly-through video to find out more about the Inner City Bypass upgrade project

Infrastructure Chairman Amanda Cooper said major construction works are expected to commence in March next year, however some preliminary works will start next month.

“The first step in delivering this important project will be undertaking works to relocate jet fans in the RNA tunnel to accommodate future road widening activities for the upgrade.”

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Source: Brisbane City Council

Sophia Rostron
As the Content editor at Felix (formerly PlantMiner), Sophia works behind the scenes to keep our blog machine in motion. A student of Law and Business, she's very dependent on coffee and loves any excuse to travel.

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