BMD Constructions to deliver works on VIC's $46m Melton Highway upgrade

Monica Gameng   |   November 20, 2016

BMD Constructions has been chosen as the preferred builder to deliver works on the $46 million Melton Highway level crossing removal project in Sydenham, with works to commence in the summer.

“The dangerous and congested level crossing on Melton Highway clogs traffic, hold back our train system and puts lives at risk. We’re putting people first and getting rid of it – and work starts this summer.

“Our unprecedented removal of level crossing is making a real difference to people’s lives – reducing congestion, improving safety and creating thousands of jobs for people all over Victoria,” said Minister for Public Transport Jacinta Allan.

Works will include a new road bridge with three traffic lanes as well as bike lanes and footpaths in each direction. For this project, raising the road over the rail line will create paths and open spaces which will improve the connection between neighbourhoods – a key issue raised by the community during the consultation period.

Removing the level crossing at Melton Highway will help reduce congestion for the 38,000 vehicles that pass through it each day, paving the way for a large job-creating expansion of Watergardens Town Centre.

As a result of community feedback, a number of improvements are incorporated in the final project design and it includes the following:

  • Improve pedestrian access by adding stairs
  • Construction of additional traffic lanes in each direction
  • Improve the safety and amenity of the bridge by providing lighting underneath it
  • Constructing a wider bridge structure which will provide more open space under the east end of the bridge

The project will also include a new two-way slip lane on the highway’s northern side, with a signalised intersection at Overton Lea Boulevard which will provide access to Victoria and Sydenham Roads.

“The project will remove the level crossings, expand Melton Highway and build new cycling and walking paths – better connecting people in my community to works, education and each other,” said Member for Sydenham Natalie Hutchins.

Construction is expected to begin by February 2017 and completed by late 2018.

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Source: Premier of Victoria and Level Crossing Removal Authority

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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