The Western Australian Government has released its 2023-24 State Budget, highlighting a record investment in transport infrastructure that includes $5.3 billion for regional roads projects and $5.9 billion for METRONET projects.
Regional Roads Projects
The State Government continues its commitment to deliver better regional roads with its multi-billion-dollar funding that will support works to improve and renew road infrastructure across the region over the next four years.
Major State-Commonwealth regional road projects that will receive funding in the recent budget include:
“This budget continues our Government’s strong focus on delivering improved road infrastructure in regional WA.
“The projects we are delivering will cut travel times, make our roads safer, and drive economic growth by improving the movement of freight by road, providing opportunities for local businesses and creating local jobs,” Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said.
The Western Australian and Australian Governments have also committed $542.75 million towards the sealing of the 311-kilometre section of Tanami Road, with about $110 million of this funding allocation to be spent over the next four years. Works on this project is due to commence in mid-2023.
$150 million has also been allocated over the next four years to continue the works to seal the Outback Way, with about 222 kilometres of priority sections to be sealed through to 2026-27.
Funding for significant regional programs is also allocated over a four-year period to support the Western Australian Government’s commitment to improving road safety. This includes:
An additional $175 million will also be invested in the jointly funded Regional Road Safety Program that will get about 8,500 kilometres of regional roads upgraded by mid-2025.
The State Government will continue working to return regional road maintenance back in-house to Main Roads WA, and this is expected to create up to 490 jobs across regional Western Australia.
Lastly, new offices and depots have been established in the Wheatbelt and Mid-West regions, while the Goldfields-Esperance and Pilbara regions will see them established in October 2023 and the final Kimberley office set up in 2026.
“The investment is also focussed on building resilience in our supply chains, by sealing key arterial routes like the Tanami Road and Outback Way.
“The budget will also include funding to deliver on our commitment to return road maintenance staff in-house to Main Roads, with new offices and depots planned to be set up in the Goldfields-Esperance and Pilbara regions later this year,” Minister Saffioti said.
The 2023-24 State Budget includes a $13.6 billion investment on transport infrastructure, with about $5.9 billion going towards METRONET projects.
Not only will this significant investment in transport infrastructure provide a boost in the economy, but it will also support the creation of jobs and help improve the lives of Western Australians.
The multi-billion-dollar investment for the transformational METRONET program will include:
The investment through the 2023-24 State Budget will continue the major expansion of Perth’s passenger rail network through the METRONET program of works that will deliver 23 new train stations along with the removal of 16 level crossings and installation of about 72 kilometres of new rail.
“This Budget highlights yet again our Government’s ongoing track record of investing in transport infrastructure, and projects that drive the economy, create jobs and improve the lives of Western Australians.
“Our METRONET program will see an unprecedented expansion to our passenger rail network with 23 new train stations, 72 kilometres of new track and the removal of 16 level crossings,” Minister Saffioti said.
The local manufacturing industry will also see a boost in activity through the delivery of locally built and manufactured C-series trains and a fleet of new electric buses, all of which are supported by the significant Budget investment.
The first locally manufactured C-series train is set to begin operations later this year.
“Importantly – this budget will also address the significant cost pressures that are impacting the delivery of all infrastructure projects right now.
“As a result of COVID and the war in Ukraine, there has been a major impact to our supply chains, and we’ve seen unprecedented increases in the cost of materials and labour.
“Despite these impacts, we’ve worked closely with the Federal Government to ensure we get these critical projects delivered.
“Whilst we are seeing the costs increase, we continue to deliver our projects at a fraction of the cost of similar projects on the east coast,” Minister Saffioti said.
Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements (1, 2); Western Australia State Budget 2023-24; Roads & Infrastructure Australia