Summer is fast approaching and most people are excited for the warmer beach-going climate, but for those who work on construction or mining sites, surviving the hottest days of the year sounds a lot harder than it actually is. Operators may spend hours under the sun, which can be a huge health hazard if certain safety procedures aren’t taken.
In recent years, contracting companies have been taking measures to remedy the effects of extreme summer heat on their workers. Some manufacturing companies have also created various products that will help workers cool down while working under the sun.
To help you prepare for the coming summer months, we have listed products or tools that will help you cool down while working on site.
Clothing made out of cotton or dry-fit fabric are best used during warmer climates as these types of clothing are light-weight and has better ventilation compared to other types of fabric. Also choose clothes that are loose-fitting so that when you sweat, your clothes will not cling to your skin and make you even more uncomfortable when working.
Ergodyne Work Gear created a line of work wear and accessories called Chill-Its. The Chill-Its line feature work gear made out of special material such as PVA (polyvinyl acetate) which allows moisture to evaporate faster compared to materials like cotton. What makes the items in the Chill-Its line from Ergodyne Work Gear unique is that the materials they use are specialised to have a cooling effect on the skin when they are worn. Some of the gears they have are cooling towels, bandanas and headbands. To know more about these gears and accessories, you can check them out here.
During hot summer days, the cool air from an air conditioner is the first thing you will look for. Construction and mining sites now have air-conditioned portable lunch rooms or offices where workers can take a rest and cool down during their break times.
Hard hat brims are accessories attached to your regular work hard hat. This accessory serves as an extended brim to your hard hat that helps shield your face from direct sunlight. Neck shades are also hard hat attachments, usually made out of light-weight and breathable fabric, which shades the back of your neck from sunlight.
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Wearing a cooling vest will also help relieve your body from heat during warm climates. This specialised piece of clothing was made to help regulate the temperature of your body when you are exposed to heat. There are different types of cooling vests out in the market, you just have to find the one that best suites you.
Coolers are a must in construction and mining sites. They should have chilled bottles of water and other beverages that workers can have access to. Each worker should also have their own water bottles near them at all times as keeping your body hydrated will help fight heat stroke. Drinks like Hydralyte can also be a huge help!
When we are exposed to high temperatures, our body’s core temperature rises and this causes heat stroke in some cases. In order to help regulate the body’s core temperature, the company AVAcore created and patented a cooling device called CoreControl. CoreControl is a device being used by athletes, miners, soldiers and industrial workers. Studies show that humans radiate heat from their hands and feet. By cooling these body parts, the body’s core temperature is lowered which, in turn, lowers the risks of having heat stroke – CoreControl does just that. To know more about this innovative technology, you can check here.
Keeping yourself cool during warm climates is a must for workers in the construction and mining industries. When workers get heat stroke, production is slowed down due to lessened man power. Take the necessary measures to prevent heat stress especially during the summer months.
It is also a good idea to talk to your team about the circumstances of working under extreme conditions. We have created the Meeting Agenda below to help you list the topics to discuss in order to ensure you convey the importance of preventing heat stress.
And if the day gets too hot, you can always cool down like this excavator here.