Australian Govt invests $159m to deliver QLD community infrastructure

Monica Gameng   |   January 20, 2025

The Australian Government is investing $159 million to deliver community infrastructure that will help Queensland’s regions to thrive and improve the lives of locals. 

This significant funding will be allocated to 25 projects that will build or upgrade community infrastructure – such as cultural and sporting hubs, town precincts and parks – that create strong communities and impact everyday lives. 

“My Government is building Australia’s future, today announcing more than $159 million will be allocated to community infrastructure projects across regional Queensland. 

“Quality infrastructure in regional areas is invaluable and this funding will build and upgrade key facilities that can be enjoyed by communities for years to come,” Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said. 

Following a competitive, merits-based assessment process, the successful projects are: 

  • $4 million Cairns Community and Multicultural Centre 
  • $2 million upgrade to the PCYC Cairns facilities 
  • $5 million upgrade to the Redlynch Community Sporting Precinct 
  • $2.65 million for Stage 2 of the Cultural Knowledge Centre in Dixie for the Olkola People 
  • $1.95 million for streetscape beautification and shared cycle and pedestrian paths in Mapoon 
  • $7.49 million for a new council administration and community development hub for Wujal Wujal 
  • $1.84 million for a Digital Services Centre in Hope Vale 
  • $15 million for the Cannon Valley Sports Park 
  • $14.87 million for the Cannonvale Community Facility 
  • $11.89 million for the First Avenue Streetscape renewal project in Maroochydore 
  • $13.6 million for the Honey Road Sports and Recreation Precinct Stage 1 
  • $5.33 million for the Harbour Arbour, East Shores to City Heart Activation in Gladstone 
  • $1.38 million for the Woorabinda Water Park 
  • $1.91 million for the Precinct 58 Redevelopment of the Bundaberg and Rural fire stations 
  • $10.42 million for the Boulia Shire Community Hub 
  • $4.09 million for the Burketown Health and Wellbeing Precinct Stage 1 
  • $5.99 million for the Scarr Street Revitalisation Project in Cloncurry 
  • $1.79 million for the Hughenden Showgrounds 
  • $2.13 million for the Barcoo Regional Sports and Recreation Enhancements Project 
  • $14.96 million for the Blackall Cultural Precinct 
  • $2.25 million for the Longreach Recreational Precinct 
  • $9.5 million for the Roma Pool Revitalisation 
  • $14.8 million Eromanga Natural History Museum Dinosaur Galleries 
  • $1.98 million for the Kingaroy Youth Park Development Stage 1 
  • $2.74 million for the Southport Spit Emergency Services Hub 

Through these projects, the Australian Government demonstrates its commitment to listening to local voices and funding priorities that benefit Queensland’s regions. 

“The Albanese Government is committed to investing in regional Australia to create jobs, build opportunity and unlock economic growth and productivity. 

“We’re making sure our regions remain great places to live, work and play by investing in critical community and economic infrastructure across regional and rural areas, in a fair and transparent way. 

“I look forward to seeing the successful projects roll out across the nation, supporting employment, stimulating economies and strengthening communities,” Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King said. 

This funding announcement builds on the more than $50 million allocated to nine Queensland community infrastructure projects last year. 

These projects will be delivered as part of the Government’s Growing Regions Program that provides funding between $500,000 to $15 million to local government entities and incorporated not-for-profit organisations for community infrastructure projects. 

The Growing Regions Program provides investment in infrastructure across Australia’s regional, rural and remote areas. 

Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government; Australian Government – Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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