Another milestone reached for $900m Adelaide Festival Plaza redevelopment

Monica Gameng   |   November 13, 2016

The Development Assessment Commission has given Walker Corporation the green light to push forward with their $500 million development at Adelaide Festival Plaza, marking another milestone for the redevelopment of the precinct.

This private commercial and retail development will feature a 27-storey office building with up to three levels of retail space and five levels of car park.

Works on the Walker Corporation development will include the demolition of the existing plaza as well as the car park.

Festival-Plaza-Photo-8.jpgArtist impression of the Walker Corporation development (source: The Adelaide Riverbank)

About the Adelaide Festival Plaza redevelopment

The $900 million Adelaide Festival Plaza redevelopment will feature a new square as well as northern promenade and Art Space Plaza. It will also include a re-imagined Station Road and a new entry to the Adelaide Railway Station.

"The Adelaide Festival Plaza is being redeveloped to turn one of the city's premier locations from a long-neglected space to a revilatised focal point for our city.

"The Walker Corporation's development will be a key feature of the transformation, which also includes a $90m refurbishment of the Adelaide Festival Centre, a new entry to Adelaide Railway Station, a new plaza and northern promenade," said Housing and Urban Development Minister Stephen Mullighan.

The precinct redevelopment will include a $90 million upgrade to the Adelaide Festival Centre and the proposed expansion of SKYCITY Casino.

Festival-Plaza_Overview_2.jpgArtist impression of the Adelaide Festival Plaza redevelopment (source: The Adelaide Riverbank)

The revitalisation of the Adelaide Festival Plaza precinct will be linked to the premier Riverbank attractions such as the Adelaide Oval, Adelaide Festival Centre and Adelaide Casino.

All in all, the projects are expected to generate up to 2,500 jobs during construction and up to 400 on going jobs once operational.

Watch this space for updates on this project and other industry news by subscribing to Felix Project News.

Source: Premier of South Australia

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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