Albany road projects in WA given the construction go-ahead

Monica Gameng   |   May 29, 2017

The Western Australian Government is pushing ahead with its commitment to completing the Albany Ring Road project as well as the South Coast Highway upgrade.

Premier Mark McGowan has confirmed the funding through Royalties for Regions, allowing both projects to push through.

“The McGowan Government is getting on with the job of delivering these important road projects for the people of Albany,” Mr McGowan said.

The Albany Ring Road is a heavy haulage freight route connecting Albany Highway to the Port of Albany using the Link Road/George Street alignment. Stage One of the project – between South Coast and Albany highways – was completed back in 2007, and preliminary concept designs have been completed for Stages Two and Three.

Stage Two of the Albany Ring Road project will be providing the connection from George Street through the Princess Royal Drive, whereas Stage Three will connect Albany Highway to the Lower Denmark Road via the Link Road/George Street alignment. Once completed, the Albany Ring Road will divert heavy freight traffic away from urbanised area in the region and the ‘big roundabout’.

“The Albany Ring Road will create a heavy haulage route that will allow large freight trucks to effectively bypass local traffic. The community has long-held concerns about safety, particularly near the roundabout, and the new road will improve traffic flow substantially.

“This project is vital to support the economic development of the region, export opportunities from Albany Port and the well-being of the community,” the Premier said.

The State Government has invested approximately $35 million towards this project, with the remaining funding balance to be sought from the Australian Government.

“The State Government is seeking Federal support for this important project,” Mr McGowan said.

Proposed Albany Ring Road Alignment.jpgSource: Main Roads WA

The first stage of the South Coast Highway project will involve upgrading the road between Albany and Jerramungup, including widening works on the road as well as construction of passing lanes.

Road safety will be improved for tourists, freight and local traffic once the South Coast Highway upgrade is completed.

“Upgrading the South Coast Highway will improve a vital piece of infrastructure that supports the growing Great Southern economies and provide jobs for the people in the region.

“The upgrades are needed if the Great Southern’s regional road network is to safely accommodate increased traffic from grain, other strategic freight, tourist and inter-town traffic,” the Premier said.

The State Government will also be provide funding to complete this project.

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Source: Government of Western Australia

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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