ACT Govt takes next steps to progress Light Rail Stage 2B project

Monica Gameng   |   March 6, 2024
Light rail stop at National Triangle (cr: ACT Government)

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Government is progressing the next stages of the Light Rail to Woden project. 

The environmental referral to the Commonwealth Government for Stage 2B of the light rail that will connect Commonwealth Park to Woden has been released for public comment. 

The overall Light Rail to Woden development has marked several milestones including the beginning of construction to raise London Circuit and the contract signing for Stage 2A from the City to Commonwealth Park. 

The Government is now working to deliver the future stages of the project between 2028 and 2033. 

Light Rail to Woden spans several districts in Canberra and it is the most complicated infrastructure project the ACT Government has undertaken, requiring a number of unique steps to its delivery. 

The light rail is set to become a once-in-a-generation asset for Canberra, and it will be the largest change to the landscape of the National Triangle since the New Parliament House was built. 

“With Canberra’s population set to grow well beyond 500,000 in the coming years, we need to continue building a mass transit system that supports our growing city. 

“The project is critical for Canberra’s future and will support the ACT’s long-term economic and jobs growth. Throughout the design and construction phase, we’re expecting light rail to Woden to create thousands of local jobs. 

“So far, the project has received very strong support from the Commonwealth Government, and I look forward to ongoing support as the project progresses through the future stages,” Chief Minister Andrew Barr MLA said. 

light-rail-to-woden-mapLight Rail to Woden map (source: ACT Government)

The next steps that follow the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC) referral will include the development of a substantial Environmental Impact Statement, and Canberrans are encouraged to have their say once it is released to the public. 

This process will be carried out this year with a final assessment due to be delivered to the Commonwealth Government and submitted to the Australian Minister for the Environment and Water. 

Meanwhile, construction will ramp up on Stage 2A to extend the light rail to Commonwealth Park as works continue on the raising of London Circuit. 

In December 2023, Canberra Metro was awarded the contract to finance, design, build and operate Light Rail Stage 2A from the City to Commonwealth Park. You can read more about the contract award here. 

Stage 2A will extend the light rail system from Alinga Street to Commonwealth Park, with the 1.7-kilometre extension following along London Circuit West. This stage will include three new stops at Edinburgh Avenue, City South and Commonwealth Park. 

Light Rail Stage 2B from Commonwealth Park to Woden will extend Canberra’s light rail network to complete a north-south link from Gungahlin through the City Centre and on to Woden. 

Stage 2B is expected to deliver at least nine new stops across its route, with light rail vehicles crossing Lake Burley Griffin via a new bridge built between the existing Commonwealth Avenue bridges, travelling through the National Triangle and running along Adelaide Avenue and Yarra Glen. 

Source: ACT Government Media Releases; Built for CBR; ACT Government – Light Rail to Woden (1, 2

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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