$9bn funding from 2022-23 WA Budget to get more road works going

Monica Gameng   |   May 21, 2022

Through the 2022-23 State Budget, the Western Australian Government is investing $9 billion towards major road projects and upgrades across the State over the next four years, including $3.4 billion for metropolitan road projects. 

Since 2017-18, over $6.5 billion has been delivered for major road projects and upgrades throughout Western Australia, which supports thousands of local jobs. This significant funding included $2.8 billion for road and shared path projects in the Perth and Peel region. 

“My Government continues to create a pipeline of works across the State, supporting Western Australian jobs and local businesses, and setting up Western Australia’s road network for the long term. 

“The $9 billion funding package includes $3.4 billion dedicated for road projects in the Perth metropolitan area, which will create thousands of local jobs and make it easier and safer for our communities. 

“Our strong Budget management means we are able to heavily reinvest in important infrastructure around the State, with road improvements a key focus,” Premier and Treasurer Mark McGowan said. 

The new budget allocation will deliver several new projects that have been jointly funded by the Australian and Western Australian Governments, including: 

  • $500 million to seal Tanami Road to the WA border 
  • $290 million for Thomas Road – South Western Highway to Tonkin Highway Dual Carriageway 
  • $250 million for deliver Stages 1 and 2 of the Pinjarra Heavy Haulage Deviation 
  • $120 million for Moorine ROack to Mount Holland road upgrades to support the Covalent lithium mine 
  • $100 million Tonkin Highway Corridor Upgrades – North Ellenbrook Interchange 
  • $80 million for the Nicholson Road and Garden Street Grade Separation 
  • $50 million Great Northern Highway Newman to Port Hedland overtaking lanes 
  • $36 million towards the Secondary Freight Roads in Mid West and Great Southern regions 
  • $35 million for the East Perth Footbridge 
  • $20 million for a new intersection and road connection at Forrest Highway and Vittoria Road in Picton 
  • $10 million Chidlow-York Road and Forrest Street intersection

On the other hand, the Government will also continue delivering the projects that are currently underway in the Perth and Peel region, including: 

  • Tonkin Highway upgrade projects, including the Tonkin Gap project 
  • Mitchell Freeway Extension (Hester Avenue to Romeo Road) 
  • Mitchell Freeway widening southbound from Hodges Drive to Hepburn Avenue 
  • Transforming (SMART) Freeways – Mitchell Freeway corridor 
  • Stephenson Avenue extension 
  • Queen Victoria Street – Swan Rover Crossings (Fremantle Road and Rail Bridge) 
  • Leach Highway and Welshpool Road Grade Separated Interchange 
  • Bunbury Outer Ring Road Stages 2 and 3 
  • Port Hedland Airport deviation project 
  • Sealing of the remaining lengths of Outback Way, which will provide a third sealed route across Australia 
  • Great Eastern Highway upgrades at Coates Gully between Walgoolan to Southern Cross and between Ghooli and Benari 
  • Albany Ring Road 
  • Marble Bar Road upgrades 
  • Bussell Highway Duplication 

The State Government is also continuing its support in delivering road safety programs in the Perth and Peel regions with funding allocated towards the following: 

  • $16.2 million for the Safer Roads and Bridges Program 
  • $98 million for the Resealing Program 

Another notable component of the 2022-23 State Budget allocation is the $73 million Principal Shared Path program that aims to deliver more upgrades and extensions to Perth’s path network to improve connectivity and amenity for pedestrians and cyclists. 

“We are delivering road infrastructure where our community needs it, with a number of major projects underway that will provide opportunities for local businesses and create local jobs. 

“Our ongoing commitment to investing in our major metropolitan freight and commute routes, including the Mitchell Freeway and Tonkin Highway, will continue to support safe and efficient trips around Perth. 

“This decision to bring our road maintenance staff back in-house will see the incident response service managed by Main Roads on our Perth metro road network. 

“This is another example of our commitment to bring outsourced services back into public hands and provide training and permanent job opportunities for metro and regional workers,” Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said. 

Source: Government of Western Australia; Western Australia State Budget 2022-23 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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