Hutchinson Builders to deliver $80m Karalee Shopping Village expansion QLD

Monica Gameng   |   April 18, 2018

Construction has commenced on an $80 million expansion project on the Karalee Shopping Village in Ipswich, Queensland and Hutchinson Builders is delivering the project.

The expansion will add another 5,600-SQM of retail space to the shopping centre on Junction Road, which will include a new full-line Coles supermarket as well as 15 specialty shops and up to 320 new car parking spaces.

The Karalee Shopping Village expansion will also include a new entry and exit to the centre together with a new set of traffic lights that will be installed a the nearby intersection at Mount Crosby Road.

Approximately $1 million is going to be invested for road infrastructure upgrades around the expansion site, including on Junction Road.

karalee-shopping-village-expansion-2Artist impression (source: The Queensland TImes)

The centre expansion is going to be built on an adjacent vacant lot that was acquired by Consolidated Properties and CVS Land Capital Partners back in 2015.

According to Consolidated Properties’ Executive Chairman Don O’Rorke, shoppers will experience a bit of disruption during the construction of the new section of the centre but staff will ensure that impact on local residents will be minimal.

“The good thing is the two sites are side by side, so we’re not building on top of the existing area,” Mr O’Rorke said.

Retailers in new section of the Karalee Shopping Village will likely include fitness, health and medical facilities as well as a new Coles supermarket.

Ipswich is expected to house approximately 460,000 residents by 2031, and this expansion will cater to the demands of the increasing number of residents in the area.

Construction of the new centre is expected to be completed by April 2019.

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Source: The Queensland Times, Hutchinson Builders

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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