Major construction works on the $620 million Darlington Upgrade Project started on 26th April and hundreds of South Australians are set to gain work from this. This project is part of Adelaide’s North-South Corridor upgrade and is set to deliver improvements on nearly 3.3 kilometres on the existing Main South Road. For this project, the Australian Government contributed $496 million and $124 million from the State Government.
According to Federal Major Projects Minister Paul Fletcher, the project will support about 370 jobs a year for the entire duration of the project’s major construction phase.
“The 3.3 kilometre upgrade will deliver a non-stop roadway between the Tonsley Precinct and the Southern Expressway, bypassing five signalised intersections and providing service road links for local traffic.” – Minister Paul Fletcher
Minister Paul Fletcher also said that the project includes a free-flowing interchange at the Southern Expressway which will move freight and commuters more efficiently along the North-South Corridor. This will drive economic growth as well as a boost in productivity which will help build the South Australian economy. This project will also be improving access to the growing southern suburbs and Fleurieu Peninsula, making Adelaide an even better place to work and live in.
Concept animation (source: DPTI South Australia)
Back in December, the major contract for this project was awarded to Gateway South which is a joint venture between Fulton Hogan and Laing O’Rourke. The Australian and South Australian Governments also announced then that the project will get an extension of one kilometre.
According to South Australian Transport and Infrastructure Minister Stephen Mulligan, local South Australian workers and businesses will benefit the most from this major project since it was conducted in line with the State Government’s Industry Participation Policy.
“Gateway South is committed to the South Australia Industry Participation Policy and will provide full, fair and reasonable opportunities for industry to participate in the Darlington Upgrade Project.
This project is another example of the Australian and South Australian Government working together to create jobs and grow the South Australian economy by investing in infrastructure.” – Minister Stephen Mulligan
The Australian and South Australian Governments are also continuing to work together for plans on extending the Tonsley train line to the Flinders Medical Centre in Bedford Park.
The completion of the Darlington Upgrade project is expected by the end of 2018.
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Author's note: Original article is from The Hon Paul Fletcher MP