5 quick tips to increase your website traffic

Gina Theron   |   February 25, 2016

Increasing the number of people who visit your website will play a hand in the growth of your customer base. With a few small adjustments and additions to your current website strategy, it's possible to start increasing your website traffic. You don't need a large budget or have to learn to use a new system for these changes. We've put together a list of 5 tips which we think can help improve the number of visits to your website.

1. Advertising 

Get your site in front of people - make it easy for then to find you. Through the use of paid search, social media advertising and display advertising you have the ability to build your brand and get it out to market with little effort and expense. These advertising tools allow you to determine exactly what your objective is behind posting the ad, this might be to increase traffic, increase conversions and more. With the ability to tailor your advertising, you'll increase your chances of capturing more relevant traffic to your website. 

2. Social 

One of the best tools business have these day is the use of social media to help promote their website, blog content or any business activity. Increasing your presence on social media channels will increase your businesses online visibility, improve your ranking in Google and ultimately increase the traffic to your website. 

3. Email marketing 

With a range of social media channels and online resources it's easy for businesses to forget the value of email marketing. This is a powerful tool and an effective email campaign can result in a significant increase in website traffic. be sure not to spam, if you allow this to happen then your run the risk of people unsubscribing, filtering your emails to the junk folder or simply deleting any emails they receive form your business. This resulting in an instant loss of potentially valuable website traffic. Send informative emails with new product information, special offers and anything else that might add value to the reader. 

4. Mobile responsive

The number of people using mobile devices has increased in recent years and websites must cater to this trend. If people can only view your website on desktop by pinching and shrinking the display on their mobile devices, your drop off rate will be high. Make sure your website is mobile responsive and all features you implement on the desktop browser is well displayed on mobile devices. Don't give people any reason to go to your competitors. 

5. On-page SEO

Optimizing your content is a clever technique which can be used to drive organic traffic to your website. Make use of image alt text, internal links and meta descriptions - these are all areas which you can optimise to help rank your website in various Google searches. Do all you can to get your content and website in front of people, make it seamless for them to find your business. 

Google's Keyword Tool is something to consider when trying to increase the amount of traffic to your website. This will help you find what words are most popular and which to incorporate in your messaging. Learn more about this tool and how it can improve your website traffic by downloading our free guide. 

Gina Theron
Gina is a Marketing Coordinator at Felix. She is a business and engineering student, and relishes working for one of Australia's greatest mining and construction disrupters. Harsh critic of tomatoes and spiders that surprise her.

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