5 mobile technology myths in the construction industry, debunked

Monica Gameng   |   December 6, 2015

Technological advancements have been a big help to construction businesses streamline their processes. In short, mobile technology allows employees to effectively and efficiently communicate with each other, as well as their customers.

But why are some construction companies still hesitant to integrate mobile technologies with their system?

Below we list 5 mobile technology myths that hinder contractors and construction companies from fully utilising it. 

Myth 1: I’m busy


It’s true that contractors are busy people. They juggle estimating as part of their sales process and other contracting tasks. What many don’t realise is that they can be even more efficient by using mobile technology.

The truth: There are a lot of mobile applications around which are designed to help you generate estimates quicker and more efficiently. According to the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council (SBE Council), you could save 11.33 working hours per week when mobile applications are utilised.




Myth 2: My team is not tech savvy enough

Our industry is still catching up - construction shutterstock_149418617.jpgprofessionals are used to utilising tools that have already been in the industry for decades. My entire team prefers staying traditional, and are not tech savvy enough to learn how to use mobile applications or software.

The truth: Smartphones and tablets have been around for more than a decade and mobile applications have tremendously improved in terms of interfaces and usability. If a mobile application has been developed well, learning how to use it will take no time at all and your team doesn’t have to be tech savvy in order to fully understand them. Also, if your team members use smartphones, mastering mobile applications will be easy. A big percentage of workers nowadays are from Generation X (also known as Millennials) and they are very much adept when it comes to technology so they will be able to teach and mentor those who do struggle to comprehend mobile technology.

Myth 3: It takes too long to implement

shutterstock_338389550.jpgSome applications or software takes months to complete and implement, not to mention the time and cost of training the entire team on how to use the it. 

The truth: There are a lot of ready-to-use mobile applications or software for estimating out in the market that could be perfect for your company’s needs. These applications are developed to have an easy-to-use interface so implementing the use of this application in your business could only take a few hours up to a few days at the most.


Myth 4: I have everything listed in my head

shutterstock_257228017.jpgContractors and construction company owners already have everything in their head – they have it memorised and they know every detail by heart – so there is no need for a mobile application or software for those information.

The truth: Contractors and business owners might know everything (costs, prices and other data) there is to know about their business, but not everyone in their team or company knows them by heart. Having all the information about your business in a spreadsheet where your team members can easily access them is important as this will help your team to generate estimates with more accurate pricing. There are a lot of mobile applications or software which does just that – put everything in an accessible and centralised location.

Myth 5: Customers won’t mind handwritten proposals or estimates


Handwritten proposals and estimates are still acceptable especially when you are in a rush to give them to your potential clients.

The truth: Less than a decade ago, companies who adopted technology into their sales process astonish potential clients but nowadays, clients expect your company to be able to afford mobile applications or software that will give them a presentable (possibly printed or digitised) proposal or estimate. If your competition shows up with a comprehensive document that has been done through an application, your handwritten proposal could look unprofessional so it is important to keep up with the times and give up those scribbled notes. 


In order for companies to stay competitive and be successful in their industries, they have to adapt to technological advancements. There are a lot of affordable mobile applications and software out in the market that will surely fit into a small to medium sized company’s budget. Streamlining processes with the use of mobile applications will also help increase your team’s productivity and, at the same time, will help increase sales.

Adapting to technology is just one way to help your business find more opportunities for work. We have created the free infograph below to show you more ways to increase your chances of finding and winning hire work for your construction or contracting company.

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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