Level crossings along the Inner Armadale Line in Western Australia will soon be removed with Request for Proposal (RFP) now open for submissions.
The $415 million Inner Armadale Line Level Crossing Removal project is part of the METRONET development and will help bust congestion as well as provide a boost to the local economy.
“We are prioritising projects in Perth that will bust congestion but that are also going to drive the WA economy and deliver jobs.
“These level crossings removals will do both,” Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure Alan Tudge said.
For this project, the level crossings will be closed and replaced with elevated rail. The successful contractor is also required to demonstrate how they will achieve good design outcomes for the new public spaces under the elevated rail.
The current RFP will cover the removal of level crossings at Oat Street, Mint Street and Welshpool Road.
On the other hand, planning will continue for the removal of three more crossings at William Street, Wharf Street and Hamilton Street.
“METRONET is the largest public transport investment in Perth’s history and the RFP process gives contractors the opportunity to be involved in delivering these exciting projects.
“This project will help support the Western Australian economy through COVID-19 while also ensuring we are building the infrastructure needed for tomorrow,” Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said.
The removal of the level crossings will not only bust congestion, but it will also improve safety, create more connections as well revitalise the corridor, modernise the stations and create a number of versatile public space that the community can enjoy.
“Removing these level crossings help reduce frustrations for commuters in the area who can be stuck waiting for up to three trains to pass at a time.
“It is also a unique and extraordinary opportunity for the local community to have their say about the surrounding area and what they would like to see,” State Member for Victoria Park Ben Wyatt said.
This multi-million-dollar METRONET project will be delivering approximately 2.8 kilometres worth of elevated rail along the Inner Armadale Line.
The contract for the delivery of this project is due to be awarded in 2021.
In addition, local WA businesses interested in getting involved in the delivery of this project can register through the Construction Business Register. The winning contractor will be provided the list of registered businesses to help the proponent identify potential suppliers and subcontractors for the project.
The Inner Armadale Line Level Crossing Removal is jointly funded by the Australian and Western Australian Governments.
Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure; METRONET (1, 2)
Another METRONET project is progressing well with the Request for Proposals process commencing for the Byford Rail Extension.
A Request for Proposal (RFP) has been released to market in search of a contractor to deliver two major METRONET projects in Western Australia - the Thornlie-Cockburn Link and the Yanchep Rail Extension - that are expected to create approximately 3,000 jobs.
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