The Victorian Government is getting on with improving Melbourne’s tram network to make it more modern, reliable and accessible.
Melbourne’s Tram Plan has been released, highlighting a $3.8 billion investment in new trams, accessible stops as well as better travel across Melbourne. The Plan aims to deliver a tram network that puts passengers first and gets commuters to where they need to go.
Works under the Tram Plan are already underway, beginning with network preparations for the 100 Next Generation Trams and the new maintenance and stabling facility in Maidstone.
Over $60 million has been invested to help prepare the tram network in the western suburbs to allow the new modern and accessible fleet of Next Generation Trams to be rolled out starting in 2025. Works are also being carried out to deliver new level-access tram stops at six locations along La Trobe Street in central Melbourne.
Planning for investigations and design works have commenced as well on level access tram stop upgrades on three corridors. Two of three of the corridors are along Route 86 in Melbourne’s inner north – currently serviced by low-floor E Class trams – and one is along Route 82 in Footscray that is serviced by low-floor NGTs.
The three corridors are:
Consultation is now underway, and the community is invited to help shape plans for the tram stop upgrades in Melbourne’s north and west. Anyone from the community who is interested in providing feedback can do so on Engage Victoria’s website until 15 October.
“We’re getting on with deliver improvements to our iconic tram network to make sure people in Melbourne can continue to get where they need to go.
“This plan sets out our vision for a modern tram network and we want to hear from people who travel along these critical tram corridors to help us plan for improvements that will make the biggest difference to you,” Minister for Public Transport Ben Carroll said.
Melbourne’s Tram Plan builds on a track record of investment and it sets out the State Government’s plan to deliver a more accessible and interconnected tram network, with high frequency trunk corridors providing commuters a turn up and go service while ensuring the tram network connects with infrastructure delivered through Victoria’s Big Build.
Not only will the Tram Plan set out actions for how to improve and expand access to the region’s tram network, but it will also give communities as well as industries and government a blueprint for the future of the transport network.
Source: Premier of Victoria – Media Centre; Victoria State Government – Department of Transport and Planning; Engage Victoria; Public Transport Victoria; Roads & Infrastructure Australia
Manufacturing has commenced on Melbourne’s first G Class Trams, marking another major milestone on the $1.85 billion Next Generation Trams Project.
The Victorian Government is investing into revitalising the centre of Melbourne’s cultural and creative precinct with an additional $241 million funding injection for the Melbourne Arts Precinct Transformation.
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