26GW hybrid wind and solar farm to be built in the Pilbara WA

Monica Gameng   |   October 25, 2020
Wind and Solar farm (img: Kenueone -Pixabay)

The Western Australian Government has granted environmental approval to the “globally significant” Asian Renewable Energy Hub, paving the way for the State's renewable hydrogen industry.

The Asian Renewable Energy Hub is a hybrid wind and solar energy project near Port Hedland, with the first stage expected to generate 15GW and eventually expanded to 26GW. 

This massive renewable energy project is anticipated to create thousands of jobs in the Pilbara and is set to become one of the largest renewable hydrogen projects in the world. 

“The Asian Renewable Energy Hub could transform the Pilbara, create thousands of jobs and be a major contributor to global efforts to decarbonise the economy,” Regional Development Minister Alannah MacTiernan said. 


Once up and running, the Asian Renewable Energy Hub will provide energy to service industries in the Pilbara region as well as provide green hydrogen and ammonia to markets in Asia. 

In addition, the project will also create significant new manufacturing opportunities within the State. 

The project developer – comprised of InterContinental Energy, CWP Energy Asia, Vestas and Pathway Investments – estimates about 5,000 direct construction jobs to be created during the project’s 10-year construction period as well as 3,000 direct jobs over a 50-year operational life. 

The approval of this project follows the WA Recovery Plan initiatives that will help fast track the Western Australian Renewable Hydrogen Strategy goal from 2040 to 2030 and the State Government’s $22 million investment towards the development of Western Australia’s hydrogen industry. 

“The project partners have extensive experience developing wind and solar farms globally, and today’s environmental approval is a major step forward,” Minister MacTiernan said. 

AREH_Site-LocationProject map (source: The Asian Renewable Energy Hub)

Stage 1 of the Asian Renewable Energy Hub will comprise of 10GW of wind generation together with 5GW of solar generation. 

Approximately 3GW of power generated from this project will become available at a cheap price for Pilbara users. 

Due to the project’s scale, it will enable new supply chain facilities to be created for the manufacturing and assembly of equipment needed for wind and solar generation as well as for hydrogen production, creating new local high-value jobs. 

“This development will demonstrate Western Australia’s credentials as a world-class investment destination for green energy generation, including the production of exportable commodities, like green hydrogen and ammonia, and green steel manufacturing. 

“It will put Western Australia on the map as a major contributor to lowering global carbon emissions,” the Minister added. 

The affordable and clean energy generated from this renewable energy hub is also expected to support new and expanded mine operations, downstream mineral processing, and large-scale production of green hydrogen products for both export and domestic markets. 

Majority of the infrastructure for this project are going to be built within the Shire of East Pilbara, with an infrastructure corridor proposed to pass through the Shire of Broome and towards the coast to provide for an offshore export terminal. 

Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; The Asian Renewable Energy HubInside Construction; Renew EconomyPV Magazine; PV Tech 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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