$20m Western Highway upgrade at Horsham VIC nearing construction

Monica Gameng   |   July 24, 2018

Construction on a $20 million upgrade to the Western Highway at Horsham in regional Victoria is one step closer to commencing with the release of a new design for the McPherson Street and O’Callaghans Parade intersection that will boost road safety as well as ease congestion along the route.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Michael McCormack said that the intersection upgrade will significantly increase safety for all motorists travelling along the route as well as improve the connection between local primary producers and major trade markets.

“The Western Highway is one of Victoria’s busiest freight and travel routes, and the new intersection design will improve traffic flow along this key corridor, which is a fantastic outcome for motorists, local producers and freight operators,” Mr McCormack said.

The new design will be converting the existing roundabout into an intersection that will help reduce the risk of collisions.

“The upgraded intersection will make it safer for the more than 26,000 drivers using the roundabout every day, and new dedicated through-lanes will ease congestion for all road users travelling along the Western Highway,” Victorian Minister for Ports, Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan said.

OCallaghans Parade roundabout mapSource: VicRoads

The intersection upgrade will involve improvements that will keep traffic flowing smoothly, including removing the need for north and south-bound traffic in order to give way to other drivers.

Federal Member for Mallee Andrew Broad added: “Adelaide-bound drivers will also no longer need to cross lanes within the roundabout to exit and the right-hand turn from the Western Highway onto O’Callaghans Parade will be removed, which will deliver safer and smoother path through this busy intersection.”

Cyclists are also set to benefit from this upgrade with additional shared paths signage as well as new access points for cyclists and wider shared paths located on traffic islands that will ensure better separation between vehicles and cyclists, making the intersection safer and accessible to cyclists.

The improved design is the result of consultations with the Horsham Rural City Council, local residents, business owners as well as the Council’s Cycling Advisory Group.

Construction on this multi-million dollar project is expected to commence in the spring and completed by December of this year, weather permitting.

This Western Highway upgrade - from Stawell to the South Australian Border - is jointly funded by the Victorian and Australian Governments.

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Source: Premier of Victoria, VicRoads

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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