The Australian Government is providing a major funding boost for Western Australian infrastructure with a more than $2.1 billion investment through the 2022-23 Federal Budget.
Investing in projects that create jobs, drive economic growth and will keep commuters as well as freight moving and safe are all part of the Australian Government’s plan for a stronger future.
The significant investment in new and existing infrastructure projects across the nation builds on the Australian Government’s national rolling 10-year infrastructure investment pipeline, increasing it to a record $120 billion.
“We are investing in projects that will drive the growth of industries that generate the wealth our nation needs to become as strong as possible as quickly as possible.
“Getting more commodities to ports and sending then overseas will generate more export income, making our nation wealthier and stronger. Better roads and infrastructure will enable that,” Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce said.
Some key new projects in Western Australia covered by the 2022-23 Budget include:
Existing projects that will receive additional funding from the Budget include:
The total infrastructure investment from the Australian Government for Western Australia since 2013 has amounted to over $20.2 billion, split across 152 road and rail infrastructure projects where 50 projects have already been completed.
Government-funded transport infrastructure projects that are currently underway in the State are anticipated to support up to 28,500 jobs.
“Our Government has a strong track record in delivering infrastructure that improves connections, reduces congestion and helps keep Australians moving, particularly across our fast growing urban centres.
“This includes investing in city-shaping projects like METRONET, with the funding in this Budget bringing the Federal Government’s total investment to more than $3.7 billion across 16 METRONET projects, which are expected to support over 18,000 jobs.
“What this means for Perth commuters is less time spent in traffic and more time with loved ones, and the ability to move around more easily for work, which has a positive economic and productivity impact while helping to secure long-term prosperity and liveability,” Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts Paul Fletcher said.
Below is the list of new and existing projects that will receive funding through the $2.1 billion investment for Western Australia.
New Projects
Project Name | Total Australian Government Contribution | Regional Status | Location |
Thomas Road - Dual Carriageway South Western Highway to Tonkin Highway and interchange at Tonkin Highway | $145 million | Urban | Byford |
Regional Road Safety Upgrades | $140 million | Regional | Regional WA |
METRONET: Morrison Road Level Crossing Removal | $100 million | Urban | Midland |
Tonkin Highway - North Ellenbrook Interchange | $50 million | Urban | Ellenbrook |
Moorine Road to Mt Holland Road Upgrades | $48 million | Regional | Yilgan |
Newman to Katherine Corridor Upgrade (WA) - Great Northern Highway Upgrade - Newman to Port Hedland Overtaking Lanes | $40 million | Regional | Newman |
Mid West Secondary Freight Network | $22.4 million | Regional | Midwest Region |
Forrest Highway (Vittoria Road) - New Intersection and Road Connection | $16 million | Regional | Bunbury |
York Light Industrial Area Access Improvements | $8 million | Regional | York |
Great Southern Secondary Freight Network | $6.4 million | Regional | Great Southern Region |
Nicholson Road / Garden Street Grade Separation - Planning, Preconstruction and Land Acquisition | $5 million | Urban | City of Gosnells |
Leach Highway / Stock Road Grade Separation (Planning and Project Development) | $5 million | Urban | Willagee |
Additional Funding for Existing Projects
Project Name | Total Australian Government Contribution | Additional funding at 2022-23 Budget | Regional Status | Location |
Bunbury Outer Ring Road (stages 2 and 3) | $1.001 billion | $320 million | Regional | Bunbury |
Tonkin Highway Stage 3 Extension | $604 million | $200 million | Both (Regional, Urban) | Mundijong / Cardup |
METRONET: Thornlie-Cockburn Link | $485 million | $135 million | Urban | South East Perth |
Outback Way - Western Australia Future Priorities | $476.5 million | $400 million | Regional | Central WA |
METRONET: Yanchep Rail Extension | $440 million | $90 million | Urban | Perth Northern Corridor |
METRONET: High Capacity Signalling | $250 million | $116.2 million | Urban | Perth |
Pinjarra Heavy Haulage Deviation (stages 1 and 2) | $200 million | $178 million | Both | Pinjarra |
Fremantle Traffic Bridge (Swan River Crossing) | $140 million | $25 million | Urban | Fremantle |
Perth CBD Transport Plan - Swan River Bridge | $50 million | $25 million | Urban | Central Perth |
Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development; Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts
Through the 2022-23 State Budget, the Western Australian Government is investing $9 billion towards major road projects and upgrades across the State over the next four years, including $3.4 billion for metropolitan road projects.
The Australian Government will be investing more than $75 billion towards the delivery of significant transport infrastructure across Australia through a 10-year project pipeline. The funding also includes approximately $24.5 billion for initiatives and projects that will improve lives in every State and Territory.
Earlier this month, Infrastructure Australia released its annual Infrastructure Priority List and it contains 121 nationally significant projects - including eight high-priority projects, 10 priority projects, 29 high-priority initiatives and 74 priority initiatives.
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