2020 Infrastructure Priority List: TAS, NT, ACT & National projects

Monica Gameng   |   March 14, 2020

Infrastructure Australia released its annual Infrastructure Priority List in late February, which highlights approximately $58 billion worth of nationally significant projects and initiatives. The 2020 Infrastructure Priority List includes six high priority projects, 17 priority projects, 36 high priority initiatives and 88 priority initiatives as well as 37 new infrastructure proposals.

High priority and priority projects are advanced proposals that already have a full business case and have been assessed by Infrastructure Australia as capable of addressing a nationally significant problem or opportunity.

On the other hand, high priority and priority initiatives are projects that have been determined by Infrastructure Australia to have potential to address a nationally significant problem or opportunity.

For the last instalment of our 2020 Infrastructure Priority List blog series, we will cover National projects and initiatives as well as for Tasmania, Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory.

Project Status Description Timeframe
National: Inland Rail (Melbourne to Brisbane via inland NSW) Priority project Freight connectivity between Melbourne and Brisbane 5 - 10 Years
Tasmania: University of Tasmania (Hobart Science and Technology Precinct Priority project Opportunity to stimulate economic growth and productivity in Tasmania 0 - 5 Years
Tasmania: University of Tasmania (Northern Transformation Program) Priority project Opportunity to stimulate economic growth and productivity in Tasmania 0 - 5 Years
National: Regional road network safety improvements High priority initiative Safety on regional roads 0 - 5 Years
National: Town and city water security High priority initiative Water supply and resilience for town and city population 0 - 15 Years
National: National water security High priority initiative Strategic planning for water capture, use and management 0 - 5 Years
National: Coastal inundation protection strategy High priority initiative Sea-level rise and flooding impacts 10 - 15 Years
National: National waste and recycling management High priority initiative Waste management and recycling challenges 0 - 5 Years
National: National road maintenance strategy High priority initiative Maintenance backlog and preventative maintenance 0 - 5 Years
National: Network Optimisation Program (Rail) High priority initiative National urban rail network congestion 0 - 5 Years
National: Network Optimisation Program (Roads) High priority initiative National urban road network congestion 0 - 5 Years
National: National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy (Implementation) High priority initiative National strategic planning for future freight initiatives 0 - 5 Years
National: Corridor preservation for East Coast High Speed Rail High priority initiative Future rail connectivity between east coast capital cities 0 - 5 Years
National: Remote housing overcrowding High priority initiative National remote housing conditions 0 - 5 Years
National: National Electricity Market (Future connectivity and reliability) High priority initiative Connectivity of the National Electricity Market regions 5 - 15 Years
National: National electric vehicle fast-charging network High priority initiative Enabling infrastructure 0 - 5 Years
National: Indigenous art and cultural facilities program Priority initiative Opportunity for a national program of Indigenous art and cultural centres 0 - 5 Years
National: Mobile telecommunications coverage in regional and remote areas Priority initiative Mobile telecommunications connectivity in regional and remote areas 0 - 5 Years
National: Advanced Train Management System implementation on the interstate rail network Priority initiative Rail freight capacity constraint on the interstate rail network 0 - 5 Years
National: Sydney-Canberra rail connectivity and capacity Priority initiative Rail connectivity between Sydney and Canberra 0 - 5 Years
National: Connection between eastern gas markets and gas suppliers Priority initiative Constrained east coast gas market 0 - 5 Years
National: National Electricity Market (Near-term optimisation) Priority initiative Optimisation of the National Electricity Market 0 - 5 Years
National: East coast deep water container port capacity Priority initiative Capacity for large container ships on the east coast of Australia 10 - 15 Years
Tasmania: Derwent River crossing capacity  Priority initiative Tasmania Derwent River crossing capacity 5 - 10 Years
Tasmania: Burnie to Hobart freight corridor improvement Priority initiative Freight network planning 5 - 10 Years
Tasmania: Tasmanian sewerage infrastructure upgrades Priority initiative Tasmanian waste water treatment environment compliance 0 - 5 Years
Tasmania: Tasmanian irrigation schemes (Tranche 3) Priority initiative Opportunity to develop industry and agriculture in Tasmania 5 - 10 Years
ACT: Canberra public transport improvements Priority initiative Canberra public transport capacity 5 - 10 Years
NT: Enabling infrastructure and essential services for remote NT communities (Wadeye, Tiwi Islands, Jabiru) Priority initiative Infrastructure services for remote Northern Territoty communities 0 - 5 Years
NT: Tanami Road upgrade Priority initiative Constrained access to the Tanami region 0 - 5 Years
NT: Darwin region water supply infrastructure upgrades Priority initiative Darwin water supply security 5 - 10 Years

*Note: Timeframes for projects are indicative of estimated time the project is likely to be delivered or completed, while timeframes for initiatives indicate the time the proposed projects are likely to become nationally significant.

Over the past week, we have covered in a series of posts the different projects and initiatives across Australia that were included in Infrastructure Australia’s 2020 Infrastructure Priority List. You can check out the other posts in this series here - New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia.

Don’t forget to subscribe to Felix Project News today to stay up to date with the latest industry news and project updates.


Source: Infrastructure Australia

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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