$200m Cross Street redevelopment awarded in Sydney

Monica Gameng   |   July 28, 2016

After shortlisting three high quality proposals, the consortium to develop the $200 million mixed-use property at the Double Bay car park on Cross Street in Sydney has been announced. The Woollahra Council has chosen property developer Axiom Properties Limited, Built and Palace Cinemas to work on this redevelopment project.

The chosen consortium will demolish the existing car park to build a precinct which will feature residential apartments, retail spaces on Cross Street and Jamberoo Lane, both public and private parking, and a 10-theatre Palace cinema complex.

mixed-use-property-double-bay-sydney.jpgDesign concept for the mixed-use property (source: Woollahra Municipal Council)

“This is a great opportunity to transform an unattractive, old fashioned car park into something truly spectacular for the Woollahra community and visitors to enjoy, while also boosting local employment opportunities.” – Woollhra Mayor, Toni Zeltzer

The proposal for this redevelopment will now go for public consultation. The recent appointment follows a two-year expressions of interest period run by the Woollhra Council, now allowing Axiom and Built to enter into exclusive, direct negotiations.

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Source: Business News Australia, AFR, Woollahra Municipal Council

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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