$1bn funding committed towards road and rail projects across NSW

Monica Gameng   |   February 20, 2023

About $1 billion has been invested by the New South Wales Government to deliver upgrades to roads used by the communities each day as well as fast track freight and rebuild infrastructure that have been affected by disaster. 

This landmark investment will help improve road and rail network resilience across the State while providing benefits to the regions now and into the future. 

“This is a state-building initiative that will drive safety and drive productivity, ensuring people and products get where they need to – and that when disaster strikes, communities and supply chains remain connected. 

“In 2019, we made history with a $500 million investment to help regional councils fix their local roads. It’s improved thousands of kilometres of the local roads our communities use every day and benefitted every regional LGA in the state,” Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole said. 

The $1 billion funding commitment includes: 

  • A $400 million injection for Fixing Local Roads to help regional councils continue their work to repair, maintain and seal the roads their communities use every day 
  • $300 million for the establishment of a new Fast Tracking Freight program to tackle freight pinch points on the road and rail network, better connect road and rail with key and emerging freight hubs and increase the capacity and reliability of the network 
  • $300 million for a Build Back Better program to invest in more resilient state, regional and local road and transport infrastructure across regional NSW 

“We want a road and rail network built for the long-term with the capacity and strength to survive fire and floods, to meet the growing freight task and to get product to market cheaper and more efficiently. 

“As anyone in the bush knows, we can’t keep replacing these roads and rail lines and expecting something different the next time a disaster rolls through – we have to put in the money now to keep our state moving forward,” Mr Toole said. 

The recent COVID-19 pandemic as well as flood events have jump started the initiative to strengthen New South Wales’ supply chain. 

Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway said that this significant funding is the result of a 12-month journey since he signed the first co-funded betterment pilot in Australia, which helps rebuild infrastructure in the northern areas of New South Wales post floods. 

“This is what the community expects and this is the policy direction we need to move in when it comes to disaster recovery. 

“International studies have shown for every $1 spent on mitigation, you save $10 in recovery. A NSW Liberal and Nationals Government will invest that dollar now when others won’t, because we are serious about delivering the projects that matter to regional communities. 

“Freight is worth $66 billion a year to the NSW economy and the freight task is only growing. 

“Our new Fast Tracking Freight program will make it easier for rail freight projects to get off the ground and get our food and fibre from paddock to port,” Minister Farraway said. 

Source: NSW Government – Media Releases; The Nationals for Regional NSW; Grain Central; Trailer Magazine 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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