$164m worth of contracts for regional road upgrades awarded to CPB

Monica Gameng   |   February 7, 2020

CPB Contractors - a CIMIC Group company - has been awarded contracts valued at approximately $164 million to deliver upgrades on two vital regional highway projects - the South Gippsland Highway Upgrade in Victoria and the Mackay Northern Access Upgrade in Queensland.

“CPB Contractors continues to play a key role in delivering vital infrastructure for regional communities across Australia. We’re committed to working closely with local communities and the governments of Victoria and Queensland to deliver these important upgrades safely and efficiently,” CPB Contractors Managing Director Diego Zumaquero said.

South-Gippsland-Highway-map-Sep2019Source: Major Road Projects Victoria

The $115 million South Gippsland Highway Upgrade will include:

  • Building a new section of highway between Old Koonwarra-Meeniyan Road and Minns Road to reduce the length of highway from 3.4 kilometres to 2.3 kilometres
  • Removing nine sharp corners
  • Building two new bridges over the Tarwin River
  • Building an underpass east of the new Caithness Road intersection for the Great Southern Rail Trail
  • Realigning the Great Southern Rail Trail under the new river bridge at Minns Road
  • Closing off access to the old section of highway to through traffic east of Caithness Road while retaining access for local residents
  • Keeping access to Caithness Road by a new intersection and upgrading the existing intersection at Minns Road
  • Installation safety barriers

Once completed, the realigned highway will help improve safety on the road as well as provide more reliable journeys for motorists.

MNAUP-Overview-16-01-20Source: Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads

On the other hand, the $120.35 million Mackay Northern Access Upgrade will include:

  • Increasing the Bruce Highway from four to six lanes from Ron Camm Bridge to the Mackay-Bucasia Road turn off
  • Widening the Goosepond Creek Bridges
  • Extending existing left and right turn lanes on the approaches to the signalised intersections at Sams Road and Mackay-Bucasia Road
  • Providing an additional right turn lane at the Mackay-Bucasia Road intersection
  • Restricting access from Phillip Street to the Bruce Highway to only provide left turn option for vehicles entering the Bruce Highway
  • Increasing the Bruce Highway from two lanes to four lanes for through vehicles north from Mackay-Bucasia Road to the Davey Street overpass
  • Construction of new bridge overpasses at Davey Street
  • Upgrading the intersection at Hill End Road
  • Construction of a new bridge at Janes Creek and widening of existing structure
  • Realignment of of Janes Creek
  • Upgrading of the intersection at Blue Gum Drive
  • Duplication of the rail bridge over the Mackay Harbour Branch rail line

The new lanes delivered through this project will increase capacity of the Mackay Northern Access which will improve traffic flow and bust congestion.

Works are now underway on both projects, with the two upgrade projects due to be completed in 2022.

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Source: CPB Contractors; CIMIC Group; Major Road Projects Victoria; Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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