$12m upgrade for Marmion Ave intersections in Perth

Kerri McGrath   |   August 21, 2016

Work has started on $12m worth of road upgrades in Perth's northern suburbs. 

The intersections of Marmion and Hepburn Avenue, and Marmion and Whitfords Avenue will benefit from improved traffic flow and safety, and reduced delays in peak periods. 

Works include upgrading traffic signals, installing CCTV cameras and enhancing pedestrian and cycling facilities. 

Preliminary works to transfer power services underground and relocate street lighitng are being undertaken by Western Power and are expected to be completed in November.

The project is due for completion in June 2017. 

Stay tuned by subscribing to Felix Project News.

Source: WA Govt

Kerri McGrath
Kerri is a content specialist with Felix (formerly PlantMiner) and the first point of contact for the company. Her hobbies include breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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