The $125 million Port Rail Transformation Project in Victoria is progressing well as it reaches the next stage of works, taking the project a step closer to transforming the rail network at the Port of Melbourne as well as removing trucks from Victorian roads.
The multi-million-dollar project will include:
Source: Port of Melbourne
Crews on site have already prepared underground services and drainage along with foundation works for the new rail tracks and associated rail infrastructure.
A statement from the VIC Department of Transport said: “Once complete, the project will result in major rail supply-chain efficiencies which will be a big win for producers, transport operators and exporters delivering goods to the Port of Melbourne.
“On-dock rail is key part of the Port Rail Shuttle Network (PRSN) which will provide direct rail connections from the Port of Melbourne to major freight hubs in Melbourne’s north, west and south-east.
“It’ll see trucks deliver or pick up freight from purpose built intermodal terminals at Altona, Dandenong South and Somerton removing thousands of heavy vehicles from inner-suburban roads, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving supply chain efficiencies.”
In September 2021, Seymour Whyte was awarded the contract to design and build the project, in partnership with Port of Melbourne and WSP – the design partner for this development.
Construction on the Port Rail Transformation Project is due to be completed in mid-2023.
Source: Victoria State Government – Department of Transport; Port of Melbourne; Roads & Infrastructure Australia; Fully Loaded
The Pilbara Ports Authority will be delivering a second major port project in line with the Integrated Marine Operations Centre (IMOC) - Port Heldand's $120 million Channel Risk and Optimisation Project (CROP).
The contract to undertake dredging and construction works on the $127 million Cairns Shipping Development Project in Queensland has been awarded, marking a new major milestone on the project that will deliver vital channel upgrades to the Port of Cairns.
The Lumsden Point project in the Port of Port Hedland has reached an early construction milestone with the completion of the first stage of the seawalls.
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