$121.5m Port Hedland Spoilbank Marina project nears construction

Monica Gameng   |   June 11, 2020

The transformation of Port Hedland’s Spoilbank Marina is now a step closer to reality with the design finalised and early works expected to begin in October 2020. 

After an extensive consultation process with the local community and Marapikurrinya Traditional Owners, the project’s final design was expanded to include a public fishing jetty as well as water feature and shaded swimming beach node. 

“The Spoilbank Marina has been talked about for more than 20 years, and our Government is making the dream a reality. 

“The Spoilbank Marina will significantly improve access and safety for boaties in Hedland while also creating a fantastic new amenity for a town that makes a massive contribution to WA’s economy. 

“The project will drive transformational change in Port Hedland as part of our commitment to revitalising Port Hedland’s West End into a commercial, cultural and recreational hub,” Regional Development Minister Alannah MacTiernan said. 

spoilbank-marina-masterplanProject masterplan as of December 2019 (source: Town of Port Hedland)

The Spoilbank Marina project will now include: 

  • A four-lane boat ramp 
  • 21 boat-pen marina with capacity to expand to 80 pens in the future 
  • Separate entrance channel to the main shipping channel 
  • Trailer parking for up to 200 vehicles 
  • Maintenance hardstand 
  • Publicly accessible breakwaters with pedestrian path 
  • Public recreation and event space and public amenities 
  • Public fishing jetty 
  • Water feature 
  • Shade structures at swimming beach 
  • Waterfront promenade to reflect the Yintha Kariyarra creation serpent story 
  • Public art and cultural gathering space 

“This is a major project that the local Hedland community has wanted to see delivered for a very long time. This project will not only give Hedland fantastic boating facilities but create a whole new waterfront public recreational space where the Hedland community and its visitors can attend cultural events, markets and or just go to relax,” Pilbara MLA Kevin Michel said. 

In late July, a request for proposal for the completion of marine works are set to be advertised and the final tender is expected to be awarded by October of this year. 

Site mobilisation as well as early works are also anticipated to commence in October. 

The Spoilbank Marina project will have a two-year construction period and will create up to 221 direct jobs. 

“This will be a transformative project for Port Hedland, creating a stunning new waterfront development for the community and driving more than 200 local jobs during construction,” Premier Mark McGowan said. 

From the $121.5 million project budget, the Western Australian Government is setting aside $15 million for operating costs of Spoilbank Marina. The Town of Port Hedland has also contributed $37.5 million for the delivery of this project. 

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Source: Government of Western AustraliaTown of Port Hedland; ABC News 

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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