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$120m Majors Rd Interchange Project SA sees beginning of early works

Written by Monica Gameng | Feb 28, 2023 1:28:33 AM

The $120 million Majors Road Interchange Project in South Australia has reached a new milestone with early works and site investigations commencing while the procurement process for the construction contract progresses. 

The Australian and South Australian Governments are jointly funding – on a 50:50 basis – the project that will deliver new on/off ramps for the Southern Expressway at Majors Road. 

The new on/off ramps will provide commuters in the southern suburbs with better access to the Southern Expressway as well as to the Glenthorne National Park – Ityamaiitpinna Yarta, Sam Willoughby International BMX Facility and Southern Soccer Facility via the Southern Expressway. 

RAW SA – a local Aboriginal business – has been appointed to build facilities at the project site adjacent to the Riding for the Disabled Association SA site. The company will also continue site investigations that will help get a better understanding of underground services, which will ultimately inform the project’s detailed design. 

“This is yet another demonstration of the Albanese and Malinauskas governments working together to get on with the job of delivering the infrastructure South Australians need and deserve. 

“This project will deliver lasting road infrastructure improvements while providing a critical local jobs boon, with approximately 245 full-time-equivalent jobs to be supported each year over the construction period. 

“We know more work on the books is always welcome news for local construction businesses and I’m thrilled to see the South Australian Aboriginal business RAW SA already engaged on this region-shaping project,” Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King said. 

Site investigation works are set to begin on 1 March 2023 and the construction of site facilities to follow in the coming weeks. These works are due to be completed by late April of this year, weather permitting. 

Procurement for the design and construction contract for the Majors Road Interchange Project is expected to be completed in mid-2023, with major construction activities to commence in late 2023. 

The overall project is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2025. 

“The Majors Road Interchange – an election commitment by the Malinauskas Government – will deliver a wide range of benefits to southern suburbs commuters, national park users, pedestrians and cyclists and local community members alike. 

“The construction of site facilities and continuation of site investigation works are important steps in laying the groundwork for the project. 

“It’s also pleasing to see RAW SA, an Aboriginal-owned and operated business from right here in South Australia, engaged to deliver these works,” SA Infrastructure and Transport Minister Tom Koutsantonis said. 

The proposed concept design that was released late last year ensures that the project will have minimal impact to the Glenthorne National Park – Ityamaiitpinna Yarta, with no part of the National Park to be further isolated from any other area of the park.

In addition, the current design also ensures that the project will have no major impact on significant vegetation, Glenthorne Farm or the O’Halloran Hill Recreational Park. 

“It’s great to see construction starting on this important project, which will reduce travel times and improve safety for residents in the south,” Federal Member for Kingston Amanda Rishworth MP said. 

“I am pleased to see the Albanese Labor Government and the Malinauskas State Government getting to work on this important project so quickly,” Federal Member for Boothby Louise Miller-Frost MP said. 

“It’s exciting to see works begin on a project that the community has been calling for, for years,” State Member for Davenport Erin Thompson MP said. 

The concept design for the Majors Road Interchange Project includes: 

  • New on and off ramps in both directions to the Southern Expressway, largely confined to the existing road corridor 
  • Widening of the Majors Road bridge to accommodate two through lanes and a dedicated right turn lane, onto the Southern Expressway, in each direction 
  • Signalised intersection to improve access to Majors Road from Adams Road with increased safety and efficiency 
  • New dedicated bike lane on the northern side of Majors Road and new Shared User Path on the southern side of Majors Road through the Interchange 
  • New underpasses installed, ensuring continued access and use of the Patrick Jonker Veloway 
  • New and upgraded traffic signals, road lighting and drainage 

Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government; Premier of South Australia – Media Releases; Government of South Australia – Department for Infrastructure and Transport; Infrastructure Magazine