$110m contract awarded to Watpac to deliver new Deakin Law School in VIC

Monica Gameng   |   June 20, 2018

Watpac Limited has been appointed to design and build the new Deakin Law School building at the Burwood Campus in Victoria, with a $110 million contract award.

The new building will have nine levels and will provide approximately 20,000 square metres of space for teaching and learning, well-being spaces and student support as well as staff workspaces and basement car parking.

deakin-law-school-burwood-campus-victoriaSource: The Urban Developer

The Woods Bagot-designed building will also incorporate a number of environmentally sustainable features, including rooftop solar panels, high-efficiency HVAC and lifts, and water harvesting. The building will also have glare control systems and a connection to end-of-trip facilities.

“The building needed to provide an organisational framework for the surrounding public realm, pedestrian and traffic flows and link to key existing structure.

“The formalising of these links establishes a nexus to position a vertical marker in the form of vertically concrete volumes, whose fluted surfaces will capture light and shadows throughout the day,” Woods Bagot Principal and Project Design Leader Bruno Mendes said.

deakin-law-school-1Source: Deakin University

Construction on the new Deakin Law School building is set to commence later this month.

“We anticipate peak workforce numbers to reach 230 people and estimate the project will be completed by mid-2020,” Watpac Construction Victoria State Manager Nick Pavlovic said.

Once the new building is completed, it will provide an enhanced student experience as well as accommodate an ‘interactive nature of modern learning’.

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Source: Watpac Limited, The Urban Developer, Deakin University

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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