Delivery of the largest investment in locally made trams in Australia’s history is a step closer to beginning following the appointment of Bombardier Transportation Australia as contractor to undertake the $1.85 billion Next Generation Trams Project.
Bombardier Transportation Australia – which was recently acquired by Alstom – will design, build and maintain the new trams.
The more than one-billion-dollar project will deliver 100 new and accessible trams as well as a new purpose-built tram depot and maintenance facility.
Proposed plans for the trams prior to the competitive design and tender process will now be refined in consultation with key stakeholders, which includes representatives from accessibility groups, passengers and tram drivers.
In addition, this project will also require a local content quota of 65 per cent which is the largest for any train or tram project since rolling stock local content quotas were introduced.
“This historic investment in 100 locally-made trams will not only benefit passengers, but it is also creating thousands of jobs and providing a much-needed boost to the local economy,” Member for Dandenong Gabrielle Williams said.
The new trams manufactured through this significant investment will progressively replace some of Melbourne’s longest-serving high-floor trams, ensuring that all Victorians will be able to access the public transport network.
Since 2015, the Victorian Government has invested more than $7.5 billion in new and upgraded rolling stock as well as to support infrastructure that will get people where they need to be sooner and safer.
“We’re proud to build trams and trains in Victoria, by Victorians – supporting thousands of jobs and improving our public transport network.
“Whether it’s delivering the road and rail upgrades that will slash travel times, or building new trams, trains and buses to get people where they need to go – we’re getting it done,” Premier Daniel Andrews said.
At peak delivery period, the project is anticipated to support up to 1,900 local jobs through direct manufacturing and across the State’s rolling stock supply chain.
A new state-of-the-art tram maintenance and stabling facility is also going to be built as part of the $1.85 billion project. The facility is going to be located in Melbourne’s west and it will maintain and stable the New Generation Trams.
For the facility, the Department of Transport has acquired a vacant site in Maidstone at the corner of Hampstead and Williamson roads.
The tram maintenance and stabling facility will also provide benefits for the Maidstone community, including:
“We are delivering more comfortable, energy efficient and accessible transport services for Victorians to ensure they get to where they need to go and easier.
“Victoria’s rolling stock industry is the envy of the nation and this project will support up to 1,900 jobs throughout the supply chain and play a significant part in delivering more accessible services on our network,” Minister for Public Transport Ben Carroll said.
Source: Premier of Victoria – Media Centre; Alstom; Victoria State Government – Department of Transport; 7News