$1.17bn Robertstown Solar Project in SA given the green light for development

Monica Gameng   |   July 13, 2019

The South Australian Government has given the green light to the development of EPS Energy’s $1.17 billion solar farm and storage project located approximately 5 kilometres north-east of Robertstown and 115 kilometres north-east of Adelaide.

Robertstown Solar will comprise of a 500MW solar farm and a 250MW/1000MWh battery storage.

“It’s an exciting project and we’re very grateful for the level of support we’ve received from Robertstown, the community, state government departments and agencies and the regional Council of Goyder,” EPS Energy Director Steve McCall said.

The project is set to be built on a 1,800-hectare site in the suburbs of Bright and Geranium Plains. Robertstown Solar is going to be linked to the National Electricity Market via a 275kV connection to ElectraNet’s Robertstown Substation.

robertstown-solar-locationProject location (source: Robertstown Solar)

Once completed, the new renewable energy project will be able to generate enough electricity to power up to 144,000 homes each year.

The more than one billion dollar project is anticipated to generate about 275 jobs during its construction - including local employment and procurement - and a further 15 ongoing positions once it is operational.

Robertstown Solar is expected to have an operational life of 30 years. Construction is anticipated to begin next year, with a 28-month development and commissioning period.

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Source: Renew Economy; PV Magazine Australia; Robertstown Solar; Energy Storage News

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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